Why Cultivate Self Compassion with your Shadow Side?
Compassion with your shadow side Shining the Light on your Darker Side
Your Shadow side is where your deep feelings of shame, anger, frustration, sadness, greed, jealousy, blame, desire, victim, laziness, rage, disappointment, procrastination, judgement, emotional sensitivity, hurt, or guilt raises its self when you are being triggered and react. We tend to react when we are in low vibrational energy.
Your shadow side, this is our darker side, the side the most would like to keep locked in a box and pretend it’s not there. Especially when we are working on ourselves to improve and shift to higher consciousness.

When we repress and deny our shadow self it does not disappear. It can grow more powerful and cause more challenges in your life and relationships.
If you’re hard on yourself, when you make mistakes, it is difficult to confront your shadow self. Many feel the shadow is ‘negative’, this is not really true. The ‘shadow’ is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don’t want to admit too.
When we recognise and face our shadow, have compassion with your shadow side, we can become more whole and balanced.
Instead of beating yourself up when your shadow side appears, you need to transmute these emotions with friendliness, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. This love of accepting that you’re not perfect all the time, acknowledges you make mistakes, judgements and stir up emotions that is not your glowing inner light, is how you free yourself. Understand it’s deep programming in your unconscious mind, that sends you the triggers.
When we can accept and understand about ourselves we are then more able to accept and understand in others.
We all experience our shadow self so what should we do?
Start by accepting your own humanness. That even those shifting into higher Ascensions of consciousness will have periods of the shadow self. It’s happening often for many people in 2020. It’s been a difficult year for many, lots of change, fear and anxiety, this can wear down even the most positive people.
We are all susceptible to negative emotions, and our thoughts cause releases of negative hormones into the human body giving rise to your shadow side to react.
Your shadow self holds emotions that plays a crucial role in healing your relationship with yourself, particularly when it comes to setting yourself free.
The world we inhabit is just a mirror, reflecting our own inner state back to us.
When we observe and become aware of our own darkness, we are no longer its victim. We can escape from the trappings of the 3D consciousness. Understand and nurture the inner child that felt hurt or threatened. This is when you can forgive yourself and others. This is true consciousness awakening.
By confronting your shadow self, lovingly accept and observe the triggers you will heal and release.
It is through effort you can recognize your shadow, become self aware and free yourself.
When this occurs you are awakening.
Why Cultivate Self Compassion with your Shadow Side written by Penelope Jayne
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