What is a 3D consciousness?
3D Mind
We have all experienced degrees of 3D mind state and most people long to move to a higher consciousness, our 5D state. First let delve into understanding about the 3D mind.
So What is a 3D consciousness?
Those living with 3D mindset state have no desire to understand any deeper meanings to life or achieve a higher level of spirituality. It frightens them, they close down to any discussions. They are happy staying within the material world. They will not dig deeper for the truth, accept everything from the MSM (main stream media) TV News, Governments, Education, Healthcare and in fear of any complimentary alternative viewpoint. Never rock the boat, they will not disagree and generally will have a “herd” mentality, be accepted by the tribe, love being part of the majority, even if they may have questions.
Material Life
Being accepted, worrying about physical things such as their house, car, clothes, status, worry about money and not having enough material things are typical 3D consciousness. It’s a mindset prison and never really brings happiness. Happiness to them is outside of themselves, seeking thrills, adventures, travel, cruises, party life, bars, other people, drugs, alcohol, food are some of the material things to fill the void and bring temporary happiness. To have a higher consciousness does not mean you cannot enjoy life, your are not attached to these things, you view them as temporary pleasures only. When these things are taken away from a 3D conscious mindset it’s very disturbing and emotional well-being is low and depression can step in.
The Individual
3D consciousness views life from a purely physical state. They see themselves as an individual that is separate from others. It’s a competitive dog eat dog, witnessed with many competitive business owners, CEOs and in workplace with a mindset to conquer and divide. How many people have been lured into the trap of “getting rich quick” or “being more popular reaching celebrity state” that turns out to be a scam and a waste of time, money and effort. This is how the 3D operators work their deceptive web to the 3D masses.
Survival of the Fittest

The 3D mindset philosophy is the “the survival of the fittest”. So operating scams, destroying another reputation, sending our fake reports, news and information is all about control.
Judge and Jury
In this 3D state you will be judged by the way you look, the job you have, the university/college you attended, the car you drive, your location, the place you travel, are you in trend, do you have status or celebrity, do you hang with the right people and how expensive is your environment you surround yourself. You feel fearful about missing out, FOMO or not having enough. This is not abundance this is living in scarcity. This creates greed, jealousy, back biting, vindictiveness and lack of self esteem.
Dual State of Mind

3D is a duality mindset. Things are perceived as being good or bad and life is a competition. Judgement is made whether someone is good, bad, evil, right or wrong. Judgement is made on everything, and those judging will justify themselves from being judged.
Winner Takes All
There is also a belief there is not enough for everyone, so the “grab all mentality to survive” takes over. For example the pandemic has shown many people with 3D consciousness, with no real sense of sharing or caring about others. Buying up everything they can from grocery items, food, disinfectants, hand sanitisers, toilet paper etc. If there were 10 items on the supermarket shelf they will take all and leave nothing for anyone else.
The Five Senses

They believe you thoughts have no power, just random, and life is simply a coincidence. You live, survive and die. They rely on their five senses sight, sound, feelings, touch and smell to move through the world. They will never see the messages sent from a higher source, the symbols or even question even if they saw something extraordinary.
Self Care Whats That, I’m too Busy

Too busy for going within, never really wants to do meditate to restore and heal. If they exercise is to have the best body at the gym, to be envied and desired. The thought that it’s relieving stress, and boosting the immunity system is not considered. Eating is just be fill them up, as long as it taste good, the more the better. There is no real regard about nutrition, cooking and eating wholesome is a chore. Never really regarded as a sacred and a beautiful gift for health, healing and regeneration. That’s all too woo woo as they know someone who lived until they were 90 smoking cigarettes. They want the quick fix, magic pill and they will take anything without question, regardless of side effects, to overcome the diseases, illnesses and never consider to become the driver for their own health and well-being.
There is no Deeper Meaning
In a 3D state there is no desire to go within or to look at things from a deeper stand point. Life is played out by skimming the surface. There is no desire to dig deep or to understand the deeper meaning behind things.
Show me the Money

3D consciousness has no real desire to improve fitness or look at the body as system and a gift. So those in this consciousness they will never find the time for self-care. Chasing money, having a good time is much more important. Fulfilment is associated with making money and social status.
The Real Prison
Unfortunately in the 3D mind, they are victims, full of remorse and stress from the past, locked in a prison within, stuck in a dark place where they self-sabotage, self destruct, self abuse and living in fear. No-one wants to live in this 3D world and there are ways to learn to escape this reality and learn to love life. People in the 3D mindset suffer pain and deeper emotions which are difficult to manage. They want to be distracted from that pain, avoid working inwardly at all costs rather than evolve, awaken and realise they have the ability to step into their higher self and open a beautiful consciousness that existed within all the time, they just were not aware.
The Roller Coaster Ride

The 3D lifestyle is living in low frequency, it’s a roller coaster ride by taking you emotionally up and then crashing down. There’s no desire in going within one’s self or looking at things from a deeper perspective. They tend to discredit others opinions that are not aligned to theirs as woo woo.
Low Frequency

This physical focus lowers their frequencies into 3rd density. We are all energetic beings, science proves this. So to live in a higher frequency is to live an amazing life.
“The 3D way is thinking we’re here for a good time not a long time”.
Time to Wake Up
What is beautiful is now many people are awakening from this consciousness and seek the truth, freedom and health.
Freedom, Truth and Health
This is the triangle that we should all follow, to have freedom you need to get to the truth, to have the truth you need to have heath for the body and mind, to have health you will get to freedom.
For Further Reading Are You Going Through A Spiritual Awakening?