The Great Awakening
The Great Awakening from 3d 4d 5d consciousness to a higher frequency of energy is currently creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness.
When we talk about consciousness or dimensions, we are not speaking about different places and locations but rather a level and/or state of consciousness. A so called different wavelength from which you are operating on or from.
A higher frequency of energy is currently creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness so we can all evolve as a species from 3D into the 4th and 5th dimensions.
This shift started around December 21st 2012, when all 9 planets in our solar system, including our Earth, Moon, and our Sun came into perfect alignment with each other. This galactic event happens every 5125 years!

Our Sun, which orbits the star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation, also simultaneously completed its return orbit back towards Alcyone on this exact date, and this complete cycle only happens every 26,000 years.

The Dog Star Sirius, which Alcyone orbits, also completed its 225 million year orbit around the entire Milky Way galaxy. All these major alignments happened on 21st December 2012. Further Reading 2012 Phenomenon
The planetary alignment has impacted all our consciousness and the vibrations of our planet. During this time, our solar system will be passing through the core of the Milky Way over the next 2000 years. Why is this important?
The Milky Way is a massive field of light energy which will impact all of us. The Schumann resonance 7.83hz which measures the Earth’s electromagnetic field currently has been rising since 2012.

Scientists have also reported that our planet is reaching closer towards a zero point in our magnetic field. According to philosopher-scientist Ervin Laszlo the Akashic Record is a known scientific phenomenon, but is known by quantum physicists by another term. This term is the Zero Point Field. When the human brain has direct access to the Zero Point Field there is virtually limitless information that it contains.
The main portal required is the pineal gland. The pineal gland is also known as the third eye. And it’s called the third eye because it is, quite literally, a third eye you have within your brain.
The pineal gland can calcify and it’s important to drink pure water, organic foods, breathe fresh air, boost your immune system, get into nature and not allow stress to overtake your life.
Meditation can activate the bioelectric energy and you can direct this energy to the pineal gland, stimulating it and helping it open.
Pineal gland activation brings a more significant connection to the natural world, increases clarity, intuition, focus, higher creativity and a willingness to let go of 3D consciousness and open our spirit to the 5D state of mind.

We are all living on the same planet and are surrounded by the same world, although our perception of it will be different depending on which state of consciousness we are choosing to see things at. Those perceiving life from a 3D state are going to walk their journey much differently to someone perceiving things from a 5D state.
3D consciousness is viewing things from a purely physical state. You are seen as an individual that is separate from others. 3D is about the survival of the fittest, you identify by the material possessions you own, your money and status. Things are perceived as duality contrasts, either it’s good or bad and life is one big competition. It’s about scarcity, the belief there is not enough for everyone and some people have to miss out. Fulfilment is found in making money and social status. You are fixed in your values, beliefs and judgements, you think you have no power over your reality and what comes your way in life is purely random, a coincidence and no desire to dig deeper for wisdom.
There is joy in living life from the 3D consciousness but it always comes with the flip side of pain and deeper emotions causing immense suffering.
Shifting to the 4th dimensional state is the “gateway” to the 5th. When in 4D you return to the 3D state, however you know the suffering and will quickly wish to escape. Once you have shifted higher, even if you do open 3D door and observe the darkness and void.

In 4D your thoughts are powerful and can shift the way reality is perceived. Duality and the idea of good and bad is still experienced, but there is more compassion and understanding behind it, awareness and judgement.
You know the importance of a healthy diet, high frequency food, meditation and leading a healthy lifestyle. What you put to your body becomes important and there is a desire to pay attention to how your actions effect the environment and those around you. You have a strong desire to follow you passion and be of service to others. Your intuition is activated, you potential is unlimited, your are open and expansive.
Once you reach a 5D state of consciousness, it is very difficult to go back to a 3D state. You know the suffering and the chasing illusions. This is the level you understand that you are connected to everything. Life becomes an adventure of growth, no more suffering and there is no such thing as good or bad, no duality. Love and compassion is the ultimate values and you no longer have judgement. You understand that everyone is equal and on their own life path. You seek your truth and follow your joy.
Currently we are shifting into a much higher vibration on the planet. Some people strongly resist and others feel the calling intensely.
This higher form of energy has caused people to experience a shift in their consciousness and their perception of reality. Things they chased 3D consciousness for happiness may now appear empty or fake.
This energy field will cause most people to shift from the lower “3D consciousness” into a more enlightened 5D reality. Some will hold rigidly to the old 3D paradigms of suffering.
We all need to break through our preconceptions of reality and limitations of who we believe we are in order to make the leap into 5D. The Earth is ascending through a monumental shift of consciousness into the 5th Dimension. The New Paradigm of the 5D is a magical mind state. It’s a place of harmony, happiness and interconnectivity, where all life is respected and cherished. Gone is the disconnect from your divine source. You live in alignment, your purpose is not to grind and graft for some material outcome, rather to explore the abundance of this universe, to learn, evolve and grow.
The 5D consciousness state runs on unity consciousness and respecting each other’s individualism, expansiveness, higher perspective, knowing, awareness and love.

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