The Great Awakening
The great awakening from 3d 4d 5d consciousness A higher frequency of energy is currently creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness
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The great awakening from 3d 4d 5d consciousness A higher frequency of energy is currently creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness
We have all experienced degrees of 3D mind state and most people long to move to a higher consciousness, our 5D state. First let delve into understanding about the 3D mind.
When you want to change your life, your relationships, your body, your finances, your thoughts and your happiness; you need to start the work from the inside out.
Self-love is the answer for becoming successful and achieving your goals.
Do you sometimes feel less than adequate reading all the social media posts, media coverage where the person just has...
Cope with Change in Your Life, the mere thought of making a life change can be so overwhelming that...
Restore energy, add balance and heal by adding balance and harmony. How do you do this? The human body is...
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