Higher Frequency for Health
Why should we elevate to a higher frequency for our health, abundance and happiness? Humans are made of cells, which are made of atoms, which are made of particles, and those so-called particles are actually just vibrating energy.

It has been tested and researched that different organs of the human body produce different resonance frequenices. The brain has a resonance frequency of ~10hz, the blood circulating the body around 05 to 0.3hz. Higher vibrational frequencies are produced by positive thoughts, words you speak, food choices, exercise, emotion like love and happiness, singing, laughing, walking in nature. This is a direct connection with the state of your health and well-being.
A healthy body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz, and when your frequency drops to 58 MHz, that is when we experience poor health and illness. Bacteria, viruses, and disease each have their own, low frequency that influence your energy field. Lower frequencies will compromise your immune system.
Eating fresh plantbased organic foods and herbs, contain the higher vibrational, drinking pure fresh water and organic juices are excellent ways of raising your vibration and energy.
All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even your thoughts and feelings, including everything in your subconscious, are transmitting a particular vibration out into the Universe, and those vibrations shape the life you are living.
Research on patients suffering pain, showed significant improvement improved with music played and additional music played at 174 Hz has shown relief of back pain, arthritis, and headaches.
When they are open and align your chakra, our energy centre they are constantly flowing, which allows for greater creativity, happiness, and health. This is why Chakra or Energy Centre Meditation is highly recommended.
Yoga is another way to have the body’s energy flowing. Kindness and compassion are super-high vibrational emotions. The highest vibrational frequency for healing and restoring is love.
Focus on gratitude in your life, not what you don’t have, make a list of all the many things you can be thankful for in your life.

When you are in low vibration, everything you read, see and feel tends to be low vibration. This is not a time to make life changing decisions. This is a time to go within and think beautiful thoughts, walk in nature, watch a sunset, imagine all the places, people and things your love, think of beauty, listen to music for the soul and surrender to their healing powers.
Ancient Egyptians used Solfeggio scale for healing and altering consciousness in large sound chambers where they would play frequencies of love at 528 Hz throughout the chambers to generate specific effects on individuals.
Chanting mantras such as Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum is great as you need to think of each syllable when you chant it. The OM is an indivisible union of method and wisdom that can transform your impure body, speech, and mind into the pure exalted body, speech, and mind of a Buddha. MANI, the jewel, symbolizes factors of method, compassion and love, the altruistic intention to become enlightened. PADME means lotus and symbolizes wisdom. Growing out of mud, but not being stained by mud, lotus indicates the quality of wisdom, which keeps you out of contradiction. The last syllable, Hum, means inseparability; symbolizing purity and can be achieved by the unity of method and wisdom.

Each syllable creates a resonance that is healing for the body and mind.
Our ancients and mystics of the past and present have known that the whole universe is vibrating with energy and this energy vibrates at various frequencies. This includes rocks, emotions, people and even planets differ from each other, and everything else, because of their unique vibrational frequency.
Tuning the body to these frequencies can bring a phenomenal change in personality and this can be achieved by the frequencies generated from chants or mantras. The Buddhists believe that chanting just the syllable OM can transform an impure mind into a mind of Buddha consciousness.
Meditation and healing practices that induce vibrations have provided us the secrets of resonance, which can induce several conformational changes in the patterns of consciousness.
Here is our Beautiful Meditation to Release Limiting Beliefs and Clear the Mind