Escape The Blame Game
Are you stuck in the blame game? It hurts, causes grief, angst and even hatred, time to escape the Blame Game.

Most people on the planet still live in a 3D consciousness, with the polarity of opposites, carrying both light and dark emotions, habits and behaviours. In the right environment, trigger, physical and mental conditions our darkness can release itself with an almighty bolt of energy. Be careful it’s self destructive.
Our survival mind will have us blaming, hating and hurting others in challenging situations. When we feel anger, pain and suffering and want to get rid of those bad feelings, our survival mind kicks in and will project those feelings at others. This is the way of life with a 3D mind state.
Blame and judgement of others sets them up as bad guys so we can then project our bad feelings into them, transmute our deepest ugliest emotions rather than owning and releasing.
The negative thoughts of ourselves bubbles to the surface in times of pain, tiredness, poor health, in the right environment. This is the power of your thoughts. You can liberate yourself from these darker thoughts.
Most of humanity carry negative thoughts, desires and impulses which has been shoved away and buried their entire lives. Within our 3D consciousness we will project those negative emotions on someone else when triggered. We get angry, we judge, we fight, we riot, we hate, we worry, we shut down, blame and attack.
We have a deep need for a sense of identity, and one way we do this is through social comparison, contrasting ourselves against others.
The ‘blame culture‘ assumes someone is at fault for every problem and issue. When we feel attacked we may use blaming as a method of defending and justifying ourselves.
Blame is a form of punishment, pushing to impose a reduction in the actions that the other person is taking. Unfortunately, it’s a poor motivator to anyone to act differently. When people are blamed, they often resist, fight back and there’s no true resolution.
Our mind can clouds our perception. When things go wrong we want to blame someone. This is 3D Consciousness knee jerk reaction. It’s dog eat dog survival of the fittest. It’s a mind state full of suffering. We can become very attached to blame and judgement and prevents self love, well-being, creativity and happiness.

Blame is one sided, creates biases, irrational thinking and is used as avoidance to face our own darker self. When we blame others we avoid facing our own negative behaviours.
Blaming is a distraction as we more focused on others instead of doing our own soul searching and wisdom work. It holds us back from shifting and expanding our consciousness into the non judgement, heart centred 5D mind state full of peace and tranquility. This is where suffering and pain ceases.
Awareness is always the first step to the blame game recovery.
It’s better to take ownership than to blame others. Not to beat yourself up but realise we have lessons to learn, through deep self reflection. We can learn to watch our judgement and use our empathy instead.
Avoid playing the victim role, it’s used to make you feel innocent; others are to blame for your pain. Your 3D mind is playing hurtful games with you. Our survival mind isn’t programmed to keep you happy is only job is to keep you alive. Be aware of this and start thinking with your heart.
The blame game can be very addictive, be aware of this shadow within you and turn your light on it. Give it love, compassion, dig deeper to understand why your are hurt, in fear or angry. Journal your awareness, write down and work proactively with yourself. Meditate or take time out before reacting.
Look deeply at the other person doing the negative action can you see their pain. Avoid buying into the negative web. Protect, cleanse and ground yourself.
Ground yourself by working in nature, on the beach, or stand with barefeet on the earth.
Cleanse by closing your eyes and imagine pure water, washing away negative energy, both yours and others.
Protect by visualizing a protective bubble or wall surround your energetic body, your aura radiating around your entire body.
Finally forgive yourself and forgive others. Forgiveness is for our own expansion and joy. When we hold onto hurt, pain, resentment, judgement and anger it physically and emotionally harms us far more than it harms others. Forgiveness allows you to move forward without seeking a negative revengeful act. You will have healthier relationships, improve emotional health, less anxiety, lowers your blood pressure, prevents depression, builds a strong immune system, improves your heart health and self-love.

If someone else is triggering you, remove yourself from that environment. Protect yourself, avoid dropping into their world of suffering. Send out love energy and surround your energetic body with pure light and love.
Emotions that trigger stress and emotional pain, usually caused by past memories, old programming, trauma or overthinking, can block your heart chakra (anahata) energy centre of compassion, and make it difficult for you to form and hold onto healthy relationships. When your heart chakra is out of balance it can fuels jealousy, intolerance, heartbreak, criticism and attachment.
To balance your heart chakra you can do yoga, repeat a positive affirmation that resonates to you, meditate and send love to everyone and shift your energy to love.

Time to shift from 3D to the beautiful 5D reality. Work towards the light. Love is the basic building block and all possibility exist.
Further Reading Shifting From 3D to 5D Consciousness