Detox Your Mind with Hypnotherapy
Quick Mind Detox, Neuroplasticity & Hypnotherapy
Many people participate in our Detox programs to eliminate toxins in their body they’ve accumulated over their lifetime. These poisons, chemicals and heavy metals drain our vitality and denigrate our health. Detoxing is about resetting, restoring and recharging your body to heal and have optimal health, energy and longevity. Detoxing combined with regular movement and activity will increase your our physical wellbeing.

There’s an another aspect of ourselves that we tend ignore—the health and vigour of our minds. We need to detox our minds from the blocks, lifetime of programming and limited beliefs that disrupts our lives, our relationships, happiness and even our work.
What do I mean by the toxins of your mind? Over the course of your life you probably cling to a few primary beliefs about yourself. These beliefs shape the way you know yourself and how you think. They are the filter, the perception you have of yourself. From these beliefs and your personal experiences, you have hold on to certain recurring thoughts that write the script of your life. Regrettably, these thoughts are often self-limiting, denigrating or simply false and keep you from living to your full potential. Can have your living in fear, no allowing your to excel, be creative, adventurous and powerful within yourself.
Habitual thoughts can confine you to remain as a character in your script, rather than being the author of your life narrative. These can be programs that have been instilled since childhood. Think of these limiting old thoughts as a straitjacket preventing you have creating the life your truly would love.
Ask yourself what the limiting beliefs you keep telling yourself. They may sound like “I’m not that good” or “I am too old to do that,” or “I can’t do that” “I can’t leave because I don’t have enough money to survive” or I am scared that I might not succeed.” This is just a small example of limiting beliefs.
The replay of old thoughts, emotions and feelings preclude us from being present. We can become stuck in the past, depressed, anxious and worried. When we are simply replicating the familiar past, this create your predictable future. Not allowing the authentic you to be in the present moment. This is such a wasteful way to live our lives as we move from moment to moment—wanting for change—but not understanding how to achieve it. The continuous repetition of old thoughts, emotions and feelings robs us of new experience. As well, it deprives us of bringing new possibilities into our lives.
You don’t need to be confined by your life history but can break free to create the life you choose. But you need to learn to think differently.
We need a balance between habitual and goal-directed actions. For healthy changes in our life we need the capacity to ‘break habits’ and to perform our actions and goals which were encoded into our brain, for example, as a child you learn how to tie your shoe laces, and then this habit becomes more and more deeply encoded, the older you become. We can make changes we need to make new neural pathway, form a new habit. This is possible due to the neuroplasticity of the brain.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change itself constantly by creating new neural pathways and losing those which are no longer used. It is the ability of the brain to reorganise itself both physically and functionally, and plasticity happens throughout your entire life.
For the brain to rewire itself it requires sustained practice of a new behaviour which will sufficiently challenge the brain to think in a new way. Below is a few quick ways to help calm the mind to allow to clear thought.
Rewiring your brain can help you change unwanted habits and behaviours, achieve new goals and targets; and is an important element of a holistic approach to achieving better emotional health and well-being.
For best long last effect hypnotherapy is a powerful technique.
Hypnotherapy can be of great benefit to help change habits, behaviours, patterns and blocks. It’s a highly effective therapy that supports new neural pathways start to become encoded in your brain. In effect, you rewire your brain. Rewiring your brain can help you change unwanted habits and behaviours, achieve new goals and targets; and is an important element of a holistic approach to achieving better emotional health and well-being.

Here are some quick ways to detox your mind and clear your mind:-
- Take a deep breath, inhale and exhale
- Stand tall and smile, love life
- Eat unprocessed fresh produce, fruits and veggies
- Open minded thinking, Feeling negative? Flip it!
- Put it through the ‘friend filter’ have healthy boundaries
- Remember ‘good’ is good enough, love yourself unconditionally
- Write a list of priorities and start with you first!
- Stop overthinking, over analysis. Ask yourself, do I really know, or is this my mind-read?
- Stop comparing yourself to others!

- If you a caught up in negative thoughts, get help, hypnotherapy, counselling etc.
- Exercise, walk, yoga and jog
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours per night
- Laugh out Loud
- Be creative
- Let the negative thoughts drift
- Stop your mind drifting into the predictable, you cannot change it, don’t go there
- Empty your mind with meditation
- Hypnotherapy, have at one session per month, cleanse the mind
- Change your body language if you are sad, angry, reverse the body language
- Stay hydrated, remove refined sugars, flours and chemicals from your diet
Not all habits are bad. Some are even necessary. But inability to switch from acting habitually to acting in a deliberate way can underlie addiction, the inability to make healthy changes and boundaries in your life.
This is an excerpt from our 7 Week Detox for the Body & Mind Program for more information click here.
We highly recommend hypnotherapy for those stuck in past habits, program, block and beliefs and wish to achieve long lasting results.