Higher Frequency for Health
Why should we elevate to a higher frequency for our health, abundance and happiness?
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Why should we elevate to a higher frequency for our health, abundance and happiness?
Compassion with your shadow side Shining the Light on your Darker Side Your Shadow side is where your deep feelings...
A spiritual awakening can generally be defined as deep awareness of your spiritual reality or a greater inner wisdom.
The great awakening from 3d 4d 5d consciousness A higher frequency of energy is currently creating a massive planetary shift into 5D consciousness
We have all experienced degrees of 3D mind state and most people long to move to a higher consciousness, our 5D state. First let delve into understanding about the 3D mind.
5G is being installed all over the world, USA and Australia, without advising the people of the possible health risks and the sources of EMFs.
Building Healthy Habits is a powerful guided meditation to help you download to your subconscious mind the habits that will empower your to have a healthy, happy and harmonious life.
Our biological clock is controlled by a ‘master-clock’ in the brain – this varies between individuals – some people are ‘night owls’ and others are ‘morning fowls’
Quick Mind Detox, Neuroplasticity & Hypnotherapy Many people participate in our Detox programs to eliminate toxins in their body they’ve...
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