Calculate Your Biological Age!
Biological Age (your health age) is calculated on the basis of your physical and mental condition and therefore expresses your true age, rather than the age on your birth certificate which is your chronological age.
The Biomarkers of aging give the true biological age which is very different from your chronological age. This help provide possible longevity information and calculates your approximate health age.
Our chronological age is determined by the date we were born. Although this overlooks the some people in their 60s may be as fit as someone in their 30s or visa versa.
Your biological age take many important lifestyle factors such as your diet, exercise, sleeping habits, nutrition habits, fitness, relationships and stress levels.
Calculate your biological age, answer the questions and choose the answer that best apply to you.
1 How many alcoholic beverages do you drink?

- Two or three drinks per week (0)
- Two or three drinks per month (0)
- About one drink a day (+3)
- Two or more drinks a day (+10)
- I do not drink alcohol (0)
2 When you feel irritable or stressed do you:-
- Get outside and go for a walk to unwind (-2)
- Do some deep breathing & Tai Chi (-2)
- Emotional eat, go buy your fav take away or snack (+5)
- Do nothing just keep on going (+5)
- Go meditation for 5-10 mins (-3)
3 How often do you eat red meat?
- Every day (+12)
- One or two times a week (+5)
- Once or twice a month (0)
- Never (-5)
4 What was your highest level of education?
- High School (+3)
- College (0)
- University (-4)
- Higher university (-5)
5 Calculate Your Body Mass Index

- 18 to 21 (-7)
- 22 to 24 (+4)
- 25 to 30 (+10)
- more than 30 (+20)
6 How involved are your with others in your community?
- I am an active member with charity, arts, other business owners, school activities and other group activities (-5)
- I volunteer regularly or hold community events (-5)
- I help out other community organisations once or twice a year (-1)
- I donate to charity each year (0)
7 If you were in a personal crisis, grief, injury or trauma, how many people would be there to help you, even if it was connection to know you are ok?
- Possibly 10 people (-2)
- I have many friends and family, a large support network (-3)
- A small group of friends and family (0)
- I am a very private person do not want help (+2)
- I would go through my crisis on my own (+2)
8 How many times per week do you get a least 30 minutes of moderate to active exercise? e.g. brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming, play a sport.
- Every day (-12)
- Four or five times a week (-9)
- One to three times per week (-4)
- No, I don’t like exercise (+5)
9 Are you or have you been a smoker?
- I have never been a smoker (0)
- I might sneak in a cig on weekends (+8)
- I have quit and I feel much better (+4)
- I have quit and I still have problems with my lungs (+10)
- I am a regular smoker (+20)
10 Which Dish Best Reflects your type of Eating habit?
- I feel under the pump, maybe burger, fries & soda or dessert, don’t like cooking rarely eat veggies (+3)
- I love my veggies, give me a big plate of roasted veggies, legumes & quinoa (-5)
- I like fish with veggies (0)
- I like chicken with a side salad (+1)
- I am a meat person (+2)
11 Do you Drink Coffee as soon as you wake up or during the day?
- Yes at least 2 or 3 cups (+3)
- I love coffee (+3)
- No I love my black or green tea (-1)
- One in the morning (0)
- No prefer lemon juice in warm water (-3)
12 How long do your Sleep?
- About 6 to 7 hours nightly (-4)
- About 8 to 10 hours nightly (-5)
- About 4 to 5 hours nightly (+5)
- I suffer broken sleep at least 2 to 3 times per night (+7)
13 Let us talk about your Mojo
- Sex what is that (0)
- About 3 times per week (-3)
- About once per week (-3)
- Maybe once per month (0)
14 Has any member of your immediate family lived beyond the age of 90?
- Yes at least one person (-10)
- I really don’t know (0)
- No, not one (0)
Time to find out your Biological Age!
- if you get a negative response, subtract that number from your chronological age e.g. your birth age is 40 and your answer was (-10) that totals 30. If you have a positive number, add that to your age e.g. if your birth age is 40 and your answer was (+4) your total is 44.
We can change your biological age in the negative or positive. Your diet and lifestyle and the thoughts your think are major factors in your health and the biological age, your health age.
It is time to add more veggies into your diet, are you drinking too much alcohol, not exercising enough, hate cooking, relationships are not supportive or your just feel tired, in a rut and stuck.
Maybe it’s time for a reset, detoxify your body and mind?
When you detox your body you are cleansing your blood, removing toxins and impurities from your liver, activating proper elimination of wastes and toxins from your kidneys, intestines, lungs, lympathic system and skin. You are also boosting your defense system, immunity and energy.
With improved energy and activity this will flow onto your relationships, work and enthusiasm for life.
Check out our 7 Weeks Detox Program or Work One on One to fast-track your results
Please note this quiz is informational and not intended to constitute medical advice