Are You Going Through A Spiritual Awakening?
Are you moving from 3D conscious to the higher 5D consciousness. If you are not aware of these terms Read The Great Awakening 3D, 4D, 5D Consciousness
A spiritual awakening can generally be defined as deep awareness of your spiritual reality or a greater inner wisdom.
Everyone has a different spiritual awakening compared to another. We are all unique, with different outlook, model of beliefs on life and each perceive things differently. This awakening can happen at any moment or period in your life. This experience can be spontaneous, but they can also be triggered by major life changes like traumas, tragedies, addictions, life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, midlife crises, etc. At present we have major changes that are occurring and shaking a lot of people to look at their life and question.

Many of you may have started your awakening years ago and when you look at the great spiritual people you see a dramatic event propelled them into their awakening. They transmuted into radiant beings of wisdom, light and love.
The Buddha described, he awakened when ignorance was destroyed; knowledge arose; darkness was destroyed and light arose, which happens in one who is heedful, ardent, and resolute.

Eckhart Tolle was a 29 year old grad student when he attempted a near-suicide and underwent a terrifying spiritual experience that erased his former identity. In the morning, he said he was flooded with a sense of “uninterrupted deep peace and bliss” that has never left him since. He now sees life as a miracle in every detail and guides others.

Jesus spoke of the power of the Holy Spirit. One who is awakened by the Holy Spirit is recreated into a completely new person.

Here are some common signs of Spiritual Awakening:
•Increased inspiration and love:
•Deep down inside you know that something has changed
•Increased “coincidences” in your life
•A longing to make the world a better place
•The ability to finally be yourself
•Thinking from your heart
•Willingness to love unconditionally with no expectations to receive back
•A feeling of bliss within
•An embracement of your shadow and light side to become whole
•Loss of interest in drama
•No longer competitive, hungry to succeed at any costs
•No longer living in fear
•Deep love for nature and a need to connect
•Other’s noticing that something has changed in you
•No longer full of judgment
•Material possessions are nice but not essential
•Thirst for truth and self fulfilment
•Open minded to new ideas, suggestions and knowledge
•An appreciation that you were given this precious life
•You self-care & know self-love is your divine gift
•You feel you wish to serve others through love and compassion
•You go to Meditation or Pray for answers
•You feel you are vibrating on a higher frequency
•You have renewed energy
•More positivity and creativity
•A realisation that “where your thoughts goes your energy flows”
•You Attract more like-minded people into your life
•You Create harmony in your surroundings
•You feel more connected to others
•You avoid low frequency lifestyle, food and activities
•You operate from a Higher consciousness
Your Spiritual awakening can be painful emotionally, because you shed away many of the constructs, shadows, beliefs, patterns, both inner and outer, that have surrounded you. You may have shed relationships that are no longer aligned to your energy as these people operate at a much lower frequency and often feel threatened and shut down. That’s ok, you may go through a grieving time due to these separations but realise deep down your awareness knows that it’s your time to ascend and they are not ready. In the future you may reconnect when their minds become more expansive.
As we shift into the higher spiritual dimension we no longer wish to keep the pain, hurt or suffering alive in our thoughts. It’s our 3D dimension where pain, hurt and suffering keeps oscillating and stirring the past continuously. While you are ascending you may shift back and forth from higher conscious levels back into the depths of 3D reality which can make everything in life feel extremely heavy, you may even be affected physically.
Observe these times as this is your transition period of your spiritual awakening process. It can be super painful because we often unconsciously resist change. Our ego’s love to keep us locked in the past, as a safety mechanism. Even when moving to a more enlightened mind will bring great joy and happiness. The ego will send messages and thoughts of fear to cloud your mind. This is where meditation is extremely helpful to allow those thoughts to disappear like the heavy rain clouds that can hide the sun. Once we surrender, those rain clouds go and allow the beautiful ascension to shine and free us. This is what we refer to as the cocoon stage of spiritual growth and awakening.

You will emerge like a butterfly from it’s dark cocoon, this is part of the awakening, not to be feared but embraced. You will no longer wish to return to the sufferings of the 3D reality and even when challenges come your way, you will be an observer and work through those times proactively.
When your awakening ignites, you will experience strong unconditional love and compassion and cease judgment of others. Instead of reacting to those who would normally upset or hurt you, you look within and find understanding.
You have greater intuition, stronger manifestations and know you can create the life you truly wish. Once you ascend to a higher plane you know there are no limitations and life is full of beautiful abundance.