Emotional Boundaries
Healthy boundaries protects you from giving advice, blaming or accepting blame. Boundaries will increase your self- esteem, self worth, reduce stress, anxiety, depression, protect you by setting a clear line between what is the authentic me and what is not me.

Understanding your values and beliefs helps you figure out where you’d like to set boundaries. Remember each of us have our own beliefs, values and behaviours that’s great and perceptions will differ due to how we each filter the information received in our mind. It would be a very uninteresting world if we were all the same. We need to respects our differences although you do not have to agree.
Set boundaries to protect yourself from feeling guilty for someone else’s negative feelings or problems and taking others’ comments personally. Not everyone will agree with you, that’s ok if the opinions of others are personal attacks that’s not ok.
You are responsible for your emotions and know you have no control of others feelings. Give yourself permission to express any of the emotions, you are allowed to feel. Avoid taking on the emotions, and moods of other people particularly negative energy.
Say no to tasks you don’t want to do or don’t have time to do. If your relationships are based on you being compliant that’s not healthy. Being able to say no without long justifications is enforcing your boundary.
Say yes to help and being able to ask for help.
Say thank you with no apology, regret or shame.
Being allowed to express yourself and be authentic.
Protect your time, being overcommitted can be very stressful.
We all need our own time, downtime and rest remember it’s great to refresh and refuel the mind and body when you need this time take it.
What is important is avoid over explaining this is a crucial aspect of setting boundaries, as everyone has the right to determine what they do and do not want to do.

Surround yourself with people that will support and love you.
Your boundaries are your values and beliefs. Boundaries are representative of how much or little you respect yourself.
Guilt-free boundaries are your friends.